Book Cover

Book Cover
Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't Be Afraid....Before it's too late...

Don't be afraid:  If anything take a stand for yourself, because no one else will do this for you. If you are
in a toxic relationship and it has caused you a chaotic and stressful life then its time for you to move forward
and get out of that situation.  Especially if there are children involved, they do not need to see this, because if they see the abuse, and you do nothing then they will think and learn that this type of abuse is okay. It is never okay to be abused in way, shape and form. If you fear for your life then leave when he/she goes to work and have a plan set in motion so you can escape this nightmare of a life that you have had to endure. Tell somebody, anybody someone that you can trust. Never let fear hold you back for fear is fear within itself. Make a difference and show your children how courageous, and strong you are, let them see that you will walk through fire if it meant keeping them safe.  First and foremost never assume that this is all your fault. Do not second guess yourself because then in the end there will be to many what if's, instead step into reality and see it is what it is. Never feel shameful or guilty for trying to make a better life and atmosphere and surrounding for your children.  They will see just how strong, optimistic and yes even scared, but this will show them that you are only human. If he/she starts playing silly head games and say they do not trust you, then it is them who is cheating, manipulating, and are being deceptive and dis-honest to you and trying to turn it on you. Because deep down they know what they are doing is wrong and are not man/woman enough to come clear and tell you that they strayed. Everything happens for a reason maybe a lesson to be learned or even a test from God himself. Never loose your inner spirit or faith because in the end this will save you before you even know it. Most importantly you must come to terms that you need to make a change, you have to want to be help and L...yourself in order to truly be helped. As long as you know that you will have to climb, and jump hurdles along the way and even push your inner self and give it all you got and then some. Then you will make it. Remember it gets harder before it becomes easy, but as long as you stay focus on the big picture which is a healthier lifestyle for you and your children the pain, hurt, betrayal, and heartache will become lesser in time. Never quit on you, for you are what your children are looking up to. Set a good example and instead of a frown on your face, smile and show your kids and all other individual who have been in the same situation or who have suffered a similar fate as you, that life can and will get better. There is light in the end of the tunnel, You just need to grasp it and hold to it for all eternity. It is the journey not the destination, but above all else pray to God and Jesus Christ himself for gumption,ambition and for guidelines to the right path. Most of all do this for yourself, once you do this you will become free and breathe like you have never breathe in your life before...Remember I care what happens to you and I understand exactly what you are going through because I have been there and back..If you need to talk we can talk, if you need someone to lesson to you, then I will be your listener but most importantly I will be your voice when you have none, I will speak in your behalf to save you and I will never judge you, instead I will embrace you..All it takes are baby-steps so lets start this journey together and release this heavy burned upon your weary deary shoulders and set them loose...Let's start the healing process now and you will see in time that you were the wiser one to take a stand for you and your loved ones...God Bless..
.Signed Me <3 <3 <3

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