Book Cover

Book Cover
Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned

Friday, March 16, 2012

Within these Walls

Within these Walls…
Within these walls stands a foundation that is barely standing
Like these wall coming crumbling down my body to weary
to stand the test of time. Whispers echoes beneath the surface
makes you think your the wiser, but then again you hope to escape to
the never, never lands. Out in the open you can fell the breeze of spring winds
come your way. You almost hate to think and feel because once you do
your heart fall to pieces almost too immediately.  Consequences leave you
guessing all the time then you hope and pray for a better tomorrow, and before
you know it the nigh has past you now,  and your way into the mid morning air.
If you could gain the layers from within the foundation you once stood
then maybe just maybe you will survive another God forsaken day. To much to
bear when will this all end. If these wall could talk would they feel or hear my pain.
Instead would it all fall in tiny little pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle you try to gather
up these pieces that are coming apart at the seam. No matter how hard you try
it’s a never ending battle. Like a mural on the wall all I see are shades of gray.
Where has all the color gone, I forget I must stop and smell the roses. for its not
to late to rebuild these walls that are right in front of these  weary, teary eyes of
mine. I see a glimpse of hope I must not turn my back for it might begone before
you ever start to stand straight up again on your own two feet.  Within these walls
they cradle me like a lost long friend, I am at peace now for I no longer hear the
echoes within the frame of these walls. For at last I am free, free at last…

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