Book Cover

Book Cover
Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Book signing

Looks like I will get a couple of book signings in Spring aound March so far they are already booked with six other local Authors. If one is unable to  show then I will be in by stand by...
Although  the other bookstores have  some up coming events they will let me know when I can have my book signing there they said it looks like Jan.28,2012 or The middle of Feb.2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No means No, who agree's?

What do you think, when you say NO it means NO? Who is with me on this. Why is it every time a violation occurs they blame it on the victim, today's society should really take hard look and see when they are blaming the victim that the victim has to relieve it all over again and again....For all of those that have been mistreated, abused, rape or who has had any kind of abuse it is still abuse.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Priest who are predators and seek their prey...

I think all priest should be allowed to get married, then this would stop some of the abuse going on at local churches. Now the pedophile those type of people should get the same punishment that they apprehended the offense to those they hurt literally.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Vicky Fleming

Vicky Fleming replied to Has anyone ever hurt you so deeply or betrayed you that you feel your heartache constantly even when u try to move passed it , it some how creeps up on you and bites you in the ass...

YES!!! and no matter what you do when you least expect it there it is staring you in the face... Like it just happened to you again...
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Inviting all Facebook friends to share anything that is on you'r mind.

Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned

This is for those individuals that are to afraid of speaking up, of their similar or sufferred the same fate like I have, I know it is not an easy thing to share, but talking about it and letting it out will help you heal from the inside out. All it takes is Baby steps..Let me know or share your story of how you have been abuse, violated, rape, had incest relative take advantage of you when you were way to young to speak out. The only thing that can get in your way is by being fearful, Fear is wht stops many no several people to stay in their comfort zone.  Remember it is never your fault, you did nothing, so do not put the blame , guilt, shame or embarrassement get to you  and let it weigh you down. The pain, betrayal, heartache and the guard you have built within and around your heart for fear of another trusting soul taking advantage of you is something you are so afraid that it makes you a prisoner within yourself, set yourself free and learn to breathe like you have never breathe before. Come forward and start the process today...

Julia Villegas Phelps (Author)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

OK, here we go.  I'm starting this blog to encourage anyone who has been abused or sexually assaulted to share their story, their pain, and join me in a path to try to heal the wounds they have suffered.  I am not a licensed professional, just someone who has been through hell and back.  And then some!  For anyone new to my blog, I wrote the book, "Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned" about my experience with clergy sex abuse.  I also discuss in the book my earlier life, being a victim of incest and being abused by a foster parent.  I wrote the book to help others who have been a victim anytime in their lives to show them that they are not alone in their pain, shame, humiliation, fear, and guilt.  

But this is more than being a victim, this is about being a survivor, keeping your faith (whatever it may be), and trying to move on after being abused physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally, spiritually, or however you have been violated.  We have suffered at the hands of others and then we have suffered by our own hands: blaming ourselves, thinking that we did something to deserve the abuse we received, and playing the endless game of second guessing ourselves.