Book Cover

Book Cover
Forgive Me Father for I Have Sinned

Friday, June 22, 2012

Underneath my layers...

Underneath my llayers there is  a little girl crying in the inside, trying to be strong. Still trying to hide the fear inside instead she might stear into the other common ground of running and never looking back.  Trying to escape the Demons Within her,  inner core, trying to just get away...

Underneathe my surface, it has been so tainted and painted with images that were to hard to comprhend.  Never knowing the reality of this horrific episode.  But knowing there is commanlity amongs those who have endured the same fate as mine.ther dynamics and dramatically it is what makes us the same. 

Underneath my skin there are scars from beatings and violence that was bestowed up me.  Never giving me the voice to be heard, instead I was ignored.

Like an onion that needs to be pulled apart through its layers, I too need to decompress.
Instead those are impress with what they have seen me,  overcome.  I need no praise all I want
is to raise above with the higher ups.  Needless to say I still have struggles, hurdles and walls that I need to jump over,  Although its taken its toll upon  my soul, I need to stay in the straight and narrow and not loose focus on what I am trying to accomplish.

Underneath my heart it has been black and blue, left in tiny little pieces, if you dare walk on those pieces they are pieces of shard bladed like knives that will leave you bleeding, the imagery of blood is every where, where has all the color gone...Like a rainbow that only emerges when its ready. I to can only surrender when I feel safe and not so suffocated.  Feels like I am drowning in this ever lasting nightmare. Make it all go away..just go away leave me alone.

Underneath it all there is still so much pain, tears and the hurt never goes away when will I hear the birds singing, when will I smell the roses, its not like a fairytale once upon a time when I was young, my make believe never got a chance didn't even get to vote, for I was taken and awaken with the cruel world that was right before our eyes...I still know underneath it all there will be a better tomorrow, its just going to take time to get underneath my flesh and bones, Standing here all alone underneath the midnight sky wondering what will happen next.   And at the end all it comes down to is, underneath my layers if I'm willing to let you in....

Underneath it all I feel this sense of sadness then comes the flood gates of emotions, like a running river that streams along for endless hours, I too need to shed all that is underneath my  layers and just set them free, free from me, myself and I.  So you see Underneath it all, it still remains the same as if nothing ever happen...

Underneath this God for saken mind of mine, tripping all the time, as if I were a ticking bomb.
Underneath my heart, I know its stll there somewhere , I see glimes of it now and then, My fragile body underneath this  shall pass, it too, will pass... Broken promises left unsaid, good intentions can be the most dangerous of them all, for you will never know what just might creep underneath your soul...

Underneath it all I want to smile, Underneath it all I want to laugh, Underneath it all, I am not so brave...Underneath it all I need my space, then again underneath it all I want to breathe like I have never breathe before...Underneath it all I will stand tall, I will overcome it all, because don't you see Underneath it all, I am just like a stone cold brick wall....Underneath me indeed it still remains, but I will never stop believing that there is good out there, from the very fiber of my being Underneath it all.  I still believe in me. Underneath  I still feel that I am never alone for it is he Jesus Christ who is underneath me now...

Signed Me